Mediation Services St. Catherines

Turning Point Family Mediation offers straightforward solutions for complicated situations. By providing affordable yet highly professional guidance, we can help you efficiently and cost-effectively navigate your way out of difficult times. Explore our services below.

Law Mediators St. Catherines

Mediation Services

Mediation is a confidential and non-adversarial process intended to help couples reach settlements on all issues relating to their separation. It is often the preferred choice for couples wishing to avoid the timely, costly, and emotionally draining process of litigation (family court).


As professional law mediators near St. Catherines, our job is to provide a safe space for couples to discuss the terms of their separation and facilitate productive conversations that ensure both parties are heard, understood, and respected. Our family-first approach has proven to help couples reach an amicable and mutually acceptable agreement together – ensuring you can decide your future, and not a third party or judge.




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Online Mediation St. Catherines

Divorce Mediation Services

Divorce Mediation provides an alternative route to the traditional litigation process, which is not lead by a lawyer, but rather a mediator. A mediator is a qualified trained professional that will help spouses respectfully and fairly negotiate family terms. These challenging areas of focus typically include; the division of assets, child or spousal support, child access, parenting plans, and the marital home.


Your divorce mediator’s role is to facilitate conversation, explain the laws surrounding your separation, and draft documents outlining the terms agreed upon by both parties. You leave the process with a legally binding separation agreement and parenting plan if needed.



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Online Mediation Services St. Catherines

Legal Separation

A Separation Agreement* is a legally binding document that summarizes the terms of your separation. This document typically includes all legal agreements pertaining to property (assets, debts, matrimonial home, gifts, inheritances), as well as child and spousal support, and a Parenting Plan.


The Agreement also includes the agreed upon terms of any life insurance policies, and medical or dental plans. Our mediators use the terms reached during the mediation process to draft the Separation Agreement.


We provide our clients with the opportunity to have their Separation Agreement** drafted and reviewed by a family law lawyer. This can bring added peace of mind while going through the mediation process.



* A Separation Agreement is a contract between you and your spouse or partner that states the settlement of issues relating to your separation. Drafting your Separation Agreement is an administrative task, by doing so does not mean we are implying that we are lawyers and providing any legal advice. We strongly encourage any persons who are going through mediation to receive independent legal advice from a family law lawyer.


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Online Mediation Services St. Catherines

Property Division

Ultimately, divorce and money go hand in hand. During a divorce, regardless of what mediation process is taken, finances will always remain a significant aspect to negotiations. The division of marital property is a complex portion of the divorce, which needs to be done properly. It is not uncommon to be anxious or uncertain about the division of marital property, as there are various factors to consider and agree upon.


When obtaining a divorce in St. Catherines and discussing the division of marital properly, any property that was acquired during a marriage will be divided amongst both spouses evenly. Typically, if your spouse owns any property or other assets that are more valuable than the property or additional assets that you own, your spouse must provide you with the difference in financial value.


In St. Catherines, a Division of Property Agreement, otherwise known as a Separation Agreement, is one of the most crucial documents of the divorce process and is a legal requirement for separation. A Separation Agreement or Division of Property Agreement is an ongoing legal contract between the two parties involved in the marital separation. The legal Separation Agreement / Division of Property Agreement will indicate how the two parties will best move forward in the future and ensure any anticipated issues are resolved.



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Online Divorce Mediation St. Catherines

Divorce Mediation Services

Divorce Mediation provides an alternative route to the traditional litigation process, which is not lead by a lawyer, but rather a mediator. A mediator is a qualified trained professional that will help spouses respectfully and fairly negotiate family terms. These challenging areas of focus typically include; the division of assets, child or spousal support, child access, parenting plans, and the marital home.


Your divorce mediator’s role is to facilitate conversation, explain the laws surrounding your separation, and draft documents outlining the terms agreed upon by both parties. You leave the process with a legally binding separation agreement and parenting plan if needed.



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Online Legal Separation Services St. Catherines

Legal Separation

Under St. Catherines’s Family Law Act, the definition of a separation is when spouses live separate and apart with no reasonable prospect of resuming cohabitation, this does not require any form of document or a court order. What is required is that an objective 3rd party would say that the spouses are no longer living together as spouses, but are living their lives as separate individuals and the relationship has ended. Being separated does not depend on whether spouses are physically separated or not.


Unlike divorce, both married and non-married spouses can legally separate. Once spouses are separated, they can make claims for spousal support and child support (if there are children). However, only married couples can make a claim for an equalization of net family properties. When spouses separate, it is recommended that they settle their affairs through a separation agreement or court order.



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Online Separation Services St. Catherines


A Separation Agreement* is a legally binding document that summarizes the terms of your separation. This document typically includes all legal agreements pertaining to property (assets, debts, matrimonial home, gifts, inheritances), as well as child and spousal support, and a Parenting Plan.


The Agreement also includes the agreed upon terms of any life insurance policies, and medical or dental plans. Our mediators use the terms reached during the mediation process to draft the Separation Agreement.




* A Separation Agreement is a contract between you and your spouse or partner that states the settlement of issues relating to your separation. Drafting your Separation Agreement is an administrative task and by doing so does not mean we are implying that we are lawyers and providing any legal advice. We strongly encourage any persons who are going through mediation to receive Independent Legal advice from a family law lawyer.


** Having your Separation Agreement drafted and reviewed by a family law lawyer does not constitute independent legal advice.  The preparation of the Separation Agreement by counsel for Turning Point Family Mediation Inc. does not, and is not intended to constitute legal advice and does not constitute a retainer or any other agreement with respect to the provision of legal services.  Turning Point Family Mediation Inc. is not liable to confirm the validity of the agreement.  We encourage any persons who are going through a separation and divorce to seek their own independent legal advice from a family law lawyer to ensure that any Separation Agreement is enforceable.

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Child Support Mediators St. Catherines

Child Support

Child support in St. Catherines is always calculated using the Federal Child Support Guidelines. If you have found yourself separating from your spouse and have a child or multiple children, then there will be obligations to support the children by means of child support and/or contribution toward special and extraordinary expenses.


Child support payments must be paid religiously to ensure the success and wellbeing of the child or children, regardless of any personal financial struggles. Although in this instant, child support amounts would be altered in the upcoming years to better suit the financial stability to the payor parent. In many Separation Agreements it is indicated that child support payments be recalculated each year to better reflect the annual income of the payor parent. Therefore, the amount being paid can increase or decrease based on the gross annual income of that specific year. To add, in drastic circumstances any parent may request to the courts that child support payments be increased, decreased, or even eliminated.



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Online Video

As an option, we can provide secure online video mediations (via the Zoom video platform) for couples seeking an alternative to meeting in person. Whether you are unable to travel to one of our several office locations, or you do not wish to attend a mediation in person, this convenient solution will help you complete the mediation process from the comfort and security of your home.


Online Video Mediations
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Child & Spousal
Support Calculations

Child and spousal support calculations are an important part of your Separation Agreement.

The calculations to determine the amount of support required can be complex, and there are many factors that play a role in determining what’s appropriate. With the help of state-of-the-art software, as well as Child Support and Spousal Support Guidelines, we can provide an accurate calculation that ensures the best possible future for your children, as well as a fair outcome that addresses the needs of both parties.

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Parenting Plans

A Parenting Plan is a document that comprehensively outlines the agreed upon plan for how you will raise your children after separation or divorce. It includes clear guidelines and expectations on how you and your ex-partner will co-parent moving forward, with regard to topics such as:

Parenting Time
Decision Making
Residency Schedule
Schedule Management of Recreational Activities
Family, Friends and other Parties
Introductions to New Partners
Children’s Possessions Between Homes
Screen Time
Rules Around Mutual Respect and Boundaries

It is very important to have a written plan in place – not only to help parents avoid future conflict, but for the health and well-being of children. Our goal is to help you create a plan that reflects the needs and interests of your children, so that they have the opportunity to thrive in an environment where co-parenting is strong and mutual respect forms the foundation of the family.

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Spousal Support & Alimony Payments in St. Catherines

Spousal Support

Calculating spousal support is a very important task as the ranges are made up based on a significant amount of information. The ranges for both amount and duration of spousal support can be quite broad so it many cases time is spent helping the couple determine entitlement, agreeing on the incomes they are using for the support calculations, discussing the ranges, agreeing upon an amount and duration.


In St. Catherines, the law believes marriage to be a financial partnership, meaning that separate finances and assets don’t exist. Generally speaking, all assets and income earned during the marriage are shared and combined (minus some exceptions). For that reason, if a relationship ends, it is important to discuss all financials and earned income with one another. A family mediator can help with these discussions as well.



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Online Family Support Services St. Catherines

Family Support

Whether you call it spousal support, alimony or spousal maintenance, the topic of support can be complicated. The calculations to determine the amount of support required are complex, and there are many factors that play a role in determining what is appropriate. With the help of state-of-the-art software, referencing the Federal Child Support Guidelines and the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines we can help to provide an accurate calculation that ensures the best possible future for your children, as well as an outcome that each of you feel is fair.

Spousal support can also be referred to as alimony or Spousal Maintenance. Alimony is the American variation of this type of financial support and spousal maintenance is typically used in the UK. Therefore, there is no difference between spousal support, alimony and spousal maintenance besides the specific guidelines and laws in place depending on where you reside.


Child support is referred to as the money one parent provides the other parent to financially support their child or children, or in a shared custody scenario, money that both parents pay to one another to financially support their child/children. Visit our Child Support page for more information.




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Online Division of Property Mediation in St. Catherines

Division of

In St. Catherines, both spouses within a marriage have an equal and legal right to continue living within the matrimonial home, until the home is officially sold to one spouse individually, sold to a third party buyer, or until a judge legally grants a court order stating one spouse must move out of the home. With that being said, when a married couple gets a legal separation while living in their matrimonial home, it is not legally acceptable for one spouse to change the locks on their ex-partner if they decide to move out once separated; according to St. Catherines’s Family Law Act, there will be no legal grounds to support that decision.


When obtaining a divorce in St. Catherines and discussing the division of marital properly, any property that was acquired during a marriage will be divided amongst both spouses evenly. Typically, if your spouse owns any property or other assets that are more valuable than the property or additional assets that you own, your spouse must provide you with the difference in financial value.



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Online Division of Property Mediation St. Catherines

Divorce &

When a couple decides to divorce, they must agree upon a division of assets, which primarily includes; real estate, savings accounts, financial investments, pension plans, and the matrimonial home. Once agreements are decided upon and listed within a proper Separation Agreement, one or both spouses will have to transfer their assets to equalize and fulfill the agreed upon terms. This process is referred to as an equalization payment and an asset transfer.


Matrimonial property refers to the assets and debts that were acquired during an individual’s marriage, to which should be divided equally amongst spouses. The division of matrimonial property is set out in the Net Family Property Statement, a document the mediators uses to show the individuals what it looks like for them to leave the marriage with the exact same amount on money excluding any excluded property. The division of matrimonial property is an important part of the separation and divorce process so it is important to seek advice on the topic from a professional.


The division of matrimonial property can be extremely challenging for some couples to agree upon; therefore, couples can allow the court to decide upon these terms for you. If a couple decides to let the court divide their matrimonial property and assets, they must claim this within six years of being legally separated or within two years of a divorce being finalized.



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Division of Assets Service St. Catherines

Division of

The division of matrimonial assets is an important part of the separation and divorce process so it is important to seek advice on the topic from a professional. The separation of assets during a divorce can be extremely challenging for some couples to agree upon; therefore, couples can allow the court to decide upon these terms for you.


If a couple decides to let the court divide their matrimonial assets, they must claim this within six years of being legally separated or within two years of a divorce being finalized. According to the law within St. Catherines, everything must be divided equally, regardless of who paid for it in the past or whose name is legally listed.


There are professionals and online resources that can assist couples in calculating the equalization of assets and properties during a divorce, which will support spouses in determining how to equally divide their assets and record it on their finalized Separation Agreement.



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Divorce Financial Settlement Mediators St. Catherines


A divorce financial settlement can involve receiving a certain amount in child support and/or spousal support each month. Working through your own budget is a good idea to make sure you can stay on top of the expenses each month. Topics of divorce finances and budgets are part of the discussions during the mediation process.


It is crucial that both parties have a good understanding of their finances during divorce, both at the time of creating a Separation Agreement and after it is signed. The goal for many couples in mediation is to try and reach resolution on all matters and feel that the resolutions that they have agreed upon feel fair. The hope is that couples can use mediation as a way to finalize division of their property. During the mediation process.



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Co Parenting Agreements St. Catherines


During the Co-parenting Mediation session, we emphasize the importance of having a solid Co-Parenting Agreement in place – not only to help parents avoid future conflict, but for the health and well-being of the children. Our goal is to help you create a plan that reflects the needs and interests of your children. This will ensure that your children have the opportunity to thrive in an environment where the foundations lay on strong and respectful co-parenting practices.


With an appropriate Co-parenting Agreement any issues with co-parenting rules that may arise, can be greatly reduced. Research has shown that a child can best cope with their parents separating or divorcing when good co-parenting plans are in place. Typically, many parenting rules and expectations remain the same after a separation or divorce; however, there are endless factors for both parties to consider and review once the separation has occurred.




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Online Co Parenting Plans St. Catherines


Spending the time and energy creating a Parenting Plan is very important. It will not only help to create a routine and schedule for you and your children after separation but be there as a reference if disputes arise in the future. Figuring out a schedule template for you kids and family can depend on a lot of factors.


When parents have difficulty communicating but are still able and willing to jointly participate in their children’s lives, a parallel parenting plan may make the most sense and create less opportunity for conflict to arise. The theory around a parallel parenting plan allows parents to have space from one another, limit communication and gradually build trust and put aside past hostilities.



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add peace of mind with

St. Catherines Mediation Service

Professionally Drafted
Separation Agreements

Mediator Near St. Catherines

Our Process

Our process for in-person or online mediation is simple, efficient, and effective. We offer convenient scheduling through our online booking platform, strive to remain responsive at every step of the way, and always ensure your utmost confidentiality throughout the entire process.

Discover our straightforward step-by-step process below.

Save Money

Avoid the costly legal fees of family court.

Save Time & Hassle

Family court can be long and stressful.

Save Your Future

Don’t leave decisions up to the courts!


I would like to thank you for all your hard work and
professionalism during this event. It was wonderful
working and speaking with you. We have completed our
paperwork and are content with our decision and how
things were handled with all. We continue to be civil
and friendly. Most of all we would like to extend our
appreciation for the service and kindness you gave us.



Thank you so much for all of your work with us. You
truly made it an easy and smooth experience and I
really appreciate that we were able to work through
everything and get to this point. If I’m ever asked
in the future, I will be giving you my recommendation

Tom G


I wanted to reach back to you and express my thanks
for working with us through the mediation process. You
helped make a very difficult situation much easier.
Your professionalism and kind demeanor were very much
appreciated. I would definitely recommend you and your
services. My lawyer also commented on how well written
the final agreement was and how professional the final
package was.



Thank you very much!
You saved us thousands in legal fees and we are
grateful to have worked with you.



Thank you Karalyn for guiding us through the process.
I don’t think we would have the relationship we do now
without you. You are knowledgeable and would recommend
your services to anyone going through a separation.

Robert R


I was very anxious going into mediation however Dana made
me feel comfortable and confident that the process will work
for us and it did. She was responsive and knowledgeable.
Thank you for all your help.

Cathy C


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