Can mediation
work for us?

Mediator For Couples in Ontario

What is Family Mediation?

Separation can be a painful and challenging process. Family mediation is ultimately designed to make the process less difficult, by creating an environment that will allow both parties to amicably dissolve their partnership. With family mediation, a qualified impartial professional will facilitate collaboration between you and your ex-partner and help you both reach legally binding agreements on all aspects of your separation, from assets to childcare.

Together with your ex-partner, you will build a fair, sustainable agreement that reflects both of your interests, and leave the process with a clear roadmap for moving forward.

Local Law Mediators Near Ontario

Litigation VS. Family Mediation


family court (litigation)

$24,000 to $90,000 per couple, depending on the complexity of the situation.

family mediation

$2,140 to $7,060 per couple, depending on the complexity of the situation.


family court (litigation)

Lawyers cannot definitively tell you what it might cost to “win” your entitlements and how long the litigation process will take.

family mediation

Before mediation, you will be made aware of the cost and timeframe up front.


family court (litigation)

Pre-trial alone can take a year and half and will require you to pay your lawyer throughout, regardless of whether your case goes to trial. A full trial can take anywhere from six months to several years.

family mediation

With mediation, you can reach an agreed upon resolution in as little as two weeks.


family court (litigation)

Both parties compete for all assets, including custody of children.

family mediation

Both parties will be guided to finding middle ground regarding how various assets will be divided.


family court (litigation)

If you go to court, you will be revealing intimate details of your life, finances, and relationship – all on record and publicly accessible.

family mediation

With mediation, any intimate details or information you provide remains completely confidential and sealed away forever.


family court (litigation)

In family court, a judge will decide your future.

family mediation

Through mediation, you and your ex-partner will decide what is best for each other and the future of your family.

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